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As a New Mexico homeowner, you need to do everything possible to protect your property from fires. The information below will discuss defensible space and how to protect your home from fire damage. 4% of all calls to emergency services in the state are related to a commercial or house fire. Furthermore, 18 people died in house fires in 2021, and there have already been seven fire-related deaths in 2022.

How Can You Protect Your Home from Wildfires?

In order to protect your home from wildfires, it’s important to keep at least 100 feet of defensible space around your home. You should prepare your defensible space at the end of the cold weather season. This space should be free of flammable materials that could allow a wildfire to spread to your home. There are two zones of defensible space that you should create before New Mexico’s fire season. Here’s what you need to know about each of them:

Zone One

1. Zone one extends to a radius of 30 feet from your home.
2. Ensure that tree branches are at least 10 feet away from other trees.
3. Get rid of all pine needles, dead leaves, and dry leaves.
4. Ensure that there are no other highly flammable materials in this zone.
5. Remove or trim plants that are located near windows.

Zone Two

1. Zone two extends from a 30- to 100-foot radius away from your home.
2. Keep woodpiles in this zone rather than zone one.
3. Get rid of leaves, twigs, and needles if they have accumulated to a depth greater than three inches.
4. Remove highly flammable materials from this zone.

Get in Touch with American Restoration Today!

If you have fire damage to your home or business, contact American Restoration immediately to get it repaired. Not only do we have years of experience when it comes to fire restoration, but we will work with your insurance. So, give us a call or send us a contact form online today!