Home fires are the number one cause for the fire department to come to your home. During a five-year study, from 2014-2018, electrical fires were one of the main causes of home fires. American Restoration Water & Fire is in the business of restoring your home and hope after a home fire disaster. Here are common causes of home electrical fires that can create a fire when you least expect it.
- Faulty Outlets: Most electrical fires are the products of faulty outlets and old appliances. This is not the same as faulty cords from the older appliances. Cords should not be used if visibly worn, torn, or display frayed areas.
- Light Fixtures: Light fixtures, lights, and lamps are another common cause. A leading cause for light fixtures to cause an electrical fire is installing a light with a wattage that is too high. It’s always important to note the correct wattage for every fixture in your home; keeping a piece of paper with each wattage in an easy-to-reach area is another way to always remember.
- Extension Cords: We know, these are convenient and are easy to overload. Extension cords should be used for chargers, little lamps, and other mobile things. NEVER plug an appliance into an extension cord.
- Space Heaters: Here at American Restoration Water & Fire we understand that sometimes you want more heat in a little area and don’t want to turn up the heat in the home. Unfortunately, all too often, space heaters are placed far too close to combustible materials, such as carpet, curtains, beds, clothing, rugs, or even couches. The best type of space heater to use would be the radiator type: they diffuse heat to an entire surface area which is less likely to cause a fire.
- Wiring: Electrical needs change over the years, such as updating appliances. If your home is over 20 years old, your wiring may not be up-to-date with current electrical needs for your newer appliances like a new big-screen tv, video game system, new air conditioners, and so on.
American Restoration Water & Fire is in the business of taking the stress of a big life event like a home fire and helping to put the pieces back together step-by-step. If you or a loved one experiences a home fire, whether it was isolated to one area of the home or more, American Restoration is on your side. We routinely deal with home insurance, city inspectors, and more so all you have to do is take care of your family while we take care of your home.