Emergency? Call Now – 919-885-0144


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Who do I call for an emergency at my home or place of business?

In the event of an emergency, the first priority is always safety! If there is a safety issue, evacuate the building and call 911. Once you are safe and emergency responders have been notified, contact your insurance company, your mortgage company, and then contact American Restoration Water & Fire for immediate response damage cleanup.

What should I do after a flood?

  • Make sure you and your family are safe. Do not enter any area where it appears there is the potential for structural damage to the foundation or the ceiling. Do not attempt to turn on ceiling fixtures or fans if the ceiling is wet.
  • Do not walk into a flooded room if there are electrical cords on the ground or if the water level is anywhere close to electrical outlets!
  • Do not attempt to plug a water leak, especially if there’s a great deal of water pressure. Plugging a large leak improperly could result in an explosive release of water.
  • Attempt to safely shut off the water. If you cannot shut off the flow of water, contact the fire department or water department in your municipality.
  • Attempt to safely shut off the electricity. If you cannot shut off the electricity, contact the fire department for assistance.
  • Contact American Restoration Water & Fire for help with immediate response damage cleanup.

Why do I need to evacuate after a flood?

If your flooding is a result of a roof leak, do not attempt to walk under ANY structure that has sagging or stressed sheetrock. Sheetrock becomes very heavy when wet and could collapse on top of you at any time.

If I have to evacuate my home, where will I stay the night?

Contact your local disaster relief service, such as The Red Cross, if you require temporary housing, food and medicines. American Restoration is also happy to help you find accommodations.

Will American Restoration help me file my claim?

Yes. If you are insured, contact your insurance company representative for detailed information on protecting the property. American Restoration can help you with your claim. Our goal is to make the situation less stressful for you!

How can I ensure that my valuables are taken care of?

Conduct an inventory of damaged property and items. Do not throw away any damaged goods until after an inventory is made. American Restoration Water & Fire offers pack-in and pack-out services, we’ll help you put your items in storage while we restore your home or business.

What should I do after a fire?

  • Make sure you and your family are safe. Do not enter any structure or room until the fire department has given you permission to do so. Contact American Restoration Water & Fire for help with immediate response damage cleanup.
  • If you leave your home, contact the local police department through their non-emergency number and let them know the site will be unoccupied.
  • If you are insured, contact your insurance company representative for detailed information on protecting the property.
  • Notify your mortgage company.

The fire department has put the fire out. When can I re-enter my home?

Even after the fire has been put out, the scene can still be very dangerous. When a fire burns plastics and fabric items in your home, carbon monoxide, cyanide gas, and other gas emissions are released into the air, making re-entry into your home extremely dangerous. Another danger lies in the structural damage a fire can do to your home. Roofing can fall, walls can tip over, and flooring can collapse beneath you if you re-enter your home. So, wait until the firefighters release the scene.

When can I turn the power back on in my home after a flood or a fire?

Even if the damage does not appear to be extreme, do not turn on the utilities until the fire department declares that utilities are safe to use. DO NOT attempt to reconnect utilities yourself.

Does the IRS offer any special benefits for people recovering from fire losses? How can I claim them?

Check with an accountant or the Internal Revenue Service about special benefits for people recovering from fire loss. Begin saving receipts for any money you spend related to fire loss. The receipts may be needed by your insurance company and for verifying losses claimed on income tax.

In the event of an emergency, how soon will American Restoration Water & Fire technicians arrive at my property to help?

We offer 24-hour emergency response. If you are in the Albuquerque metro area, we can be there within 30 minutes, if you are located further, we can be there within an hour. Call us anytime.

What if there is an emergency on a weekend or a holiday? Will someone be available to help?

American Restoration is available 24/7, every single day of the year, including holidays. We know disasters strike when you least expect it, so we’re ready to help when you need us!