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Few things can negatively impact the enjoyment of your home like mold. Moisture can creep into your home through damaged window panes, gaps in insulation, or through the roof, creating frustrating issues with mold and mildew. Mold can destroy some of the most expensive parts of your home – carpet, furniture, walls – and not just destroy these things, but compromise the integrity of your home’s structure. Everything, from roofing to foundation can be affected by the presence of mold in your home. Our staff at American Restoration employs multiple certified technicians to assess and remove annoying, even dangerous, mold. Before you have to call in the experts though, you can prevent the growth and spread of mold by making sure your house is properly sealed and well ventilated.

Excess moisture can become most apparent during the spring and summer months. During this time of year excess moisture can take the form of condensation on windows. Air conditioning can exhaust the problem, so taking the time to turn off the A/C and open the windows can help considerably in curbing the growth of mold and mildew.

Just as in summer, winter snow and moisture can creep into unsealed crevices in siding and the like. When this happens, the moisture remains at relatively warm temperatures due to the heat indoors, creating the perfect conditions for mold to develop. Take the time to make sure the exterior of your home is well sealed and you can reduce the chance that your house develops mold. If your home is particularly prone to moisture build up during the colder winter months, you may want to look into installing a balanced pressure ventilation system. These systems help your home to funnel out moist air, ensuring that your risk for mold growth is minimal.

If mold becomes an issue in your home, American Restoration offers mold removal and remediation services to make sure that your family stays healthy and your home remains uncompromised. Our ACME certified technicians and site managers are happy to assess your risk, help you remove mold, and give you back your peace of mind. Read more about our mold removal services here.