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When it comes to cost-efficient cooling in dry climates like Albuquerque, nothing is better than a swamp cooler. With warmer weather right around the corner in New Mexico, this is the perfect time to perform some preventative maintenance on your swamp cooler to ensure that you will not have to deal with any flood damage later on in the season and that your house stays cool throughout the summer months. American Restoration has all the essential tips you need to get your evaporative cooler in top shape, and if you have questions about the potential of household appliances to cause water damage, refer to past posts in our blog or give us a call!

While swamp coolers are environmentally friendly and inexpensive to run, they have the potential to leak and cause water damage to parts of your home. For this reason, it is important to perform some basic maintenance during the spring season, like thoroughly cleaning the exterior of the unit. This will not only increase your swamp cooler’s cooling efficiency, but it may also prolong the life of the cooler, saving your family even more money in the long run. Not only is this effective maintenance- but it is easy, too! Simply wipe down the cooler’s surface with a soft, damp cloth when it is not in operation.

Replacing the cooling pads can also increase the efficiency of your evaporative cooler and maximize your preventative maintenance efforts in order to extend the life of your property. Even if you determine that last year’s cooling pads are still usable, you should thoroughly inspect them, checking for cracks, before re-installing them. Some swamp cooler maintenance experts suggested pre-soaking the pads before turning on the unit for the summer in order to get better cooling results.

Lastly, clean the water tank! We suggest that you clean the entirety of the water tank with mild soapy water and then rinse it clean. This will ensure that your unit is free of debris and dirt, and will give you an opportunity to check for any leaks before getting the whole thing up and running. Once the tank is completely free of any residue that may inhibit its performance, you can fill it and test your upgraded swamp cooler.

To test your swamp cooler simply fill the water tank and reconnect to the power supply. When you turn on the unit, pay close attention to the water tank, making sure that it is properly wetting the pads, and not supply too much water that could create flooding in your home. In addition, make sure that the blower works and is producing powerful ventilation. Once you have ensured that your unit is performing well and creating the desired temperature in your home, you’re good to go!

Have more questions about how to prevent flooding in your home or preventative maintenance to ensure the safety of you and your family? Contact us at American Restoration, we’re having to answer all of your questions.