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Thousands of homeowners experience fire damage to their homes each year. Beyond the emotional trauma, the homeowner endures, they also are left to pick up the pieces after the fire. When returning to your home after a fire, there are many things to remember. Here’s what the experts at American Restoration think you should know.

  • One needs to take many steps during a fire’s aftermath. It’s important to cover all your bases to ensure you and your family can transition back to normal.
  • Insurance- Work with your home insurance company to regain the value of your lost possessions.
  • Find a safe place to stay- It is crucial to find somewhere safe to stay while dealing with a fire’s aftermath. Often, you can work with your insurance company to find a place with the costs covered.
  • Doctor/Vet Visits- If anyone or any pet was inside the home during the fire, it’s important to get checked out by a medical professional.
  • Paperwork- Keep any necessary reports, paperwork, or receipts. These are documents you may need down the road.

Smoke, ash, and soot can cause major damage to a home. Following a house fire, these materials eat away at surfaces and pose a severe health risk to anyone inhabiting the home. After a fire, there isn’t just fire damage and smoke damage; there may also be toxic residues left over from burning materials such as plastics and chemicals. These leftover remnants can be just as dangerous as the initial fire. It’s important to reach out to professionals following a fire in your home, to have everything assessed and cleaned up accordingly. The licensed professionals at American Restoration in Albuquerque are here for you in your time of need. Our team of experts specializes in fire damage restoration services. Reach out to us with any questions you may have.