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While you are decking the halls this holiday season, it is important to keep safety in mind. Although you may not think so, decorating for the holidays can pose dangers to you, your family, and your home. With all the season’s cheer, fire safety isn’t necessarily at the forefront of one’s thoughts. There are, however, simple steps that can help you avoid starting a fire and incurring damage to your home- leaving you and yours to happily celebrate the holiday season.

While beauty is usually a top priority for a Christmas tree, it’s important to consider fire safety as well. It may come as a surprise, but a dried-out tree is a fire hazard. When you find the perfect tree, it is crucial to check the tree for freshness. Be certain that needles resist being pulled off and don’t fall off when the tree is shaken.

Once your tree is home, location is key. Make sure to keep it away from heat sources. This precaution should also be followed with artificial trees too. “Fire Resistant” doesn’t mean fire-proof.

Moisture is also a factor to consider when preventing fire risks. It’s important to keep the tree well-watered. This also helps the tree stay fresh, but make sure to avoid any lights or electrical cords getting near the water.

Don’t forget to be careful about the choice and positioning of ornaments. Keep breakable or toxic ornaments away from children and pets or forego them completely. Only use lights that have passed the safety tests conducted by Underwriters Lab (UL) or another established testing facility. Frayed electrical wires can easily spark a fire. It is also important to not overload your home’s circuits.

Lastly, another major risk is the improper setup of outdoor decorations. Be cautious with outdoor lights. Avoid hanging strands low where they may come into contact with water. This is especially important when it comes to areas with heavy snow. Also, make sure you don’t run cords through windows or doors where they may become damaged and cause sparks or electrical fires.

If a fire does happen, American Restoration will be there to assist with your fire and smoke restoration needs!