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Looking at ways to fireproof your business is essential in keeping your assets protected and creating a safe working environment. Taking the proactive approach for fire prevention is a great way to avoid a disaster and save your business countless costs and damages. Here are a few of the most effective ways to fireproof your business.

#1 Check Your Electrical Wiring

A short in the electrical outlet is one of the top causes of fires. Periodically checking your electric wiring is always a good idea. It is also important to make sure your outlets aren’t overloaded by cords. If you notice any areas of concern, you can reach out to an electrician to make the proper repairs.

#2 Keep Your Business Clean

Another way to prevent fires is to always to keep your business clean and well-maintained. Failure to keep everything clean significantly raises the chances of a fire hazard due to extra dirt and debris in the office as well as near the furnace. Keeping your business clean improves safety while also creating a much better working environment for all of your employees.

#3 Install Smoke Detectors & Fire Extinguishers

Installing smoke detectors and fire extinguishers is a top priority for any business. Keeping fresh batteries in your smoke detectors is also important in keeping your business well-protected.

#4 Regularly Check Your Heater

A heater can be a huge fire-risk if it is not properly maintained. Checking your heater frequently is essential in maximizing fire safety and smoke prevention. Replacing your filter regularly is also a good idea to avoid overheating due to clogs caused by dust and debris. Is it also recommended to have heater maintenance performed by experts to keep everything running properly.

Taking the time to fireproof your business is critical in keeping your company well-protected. These tips are suggestions to help prevent a fire and safeguard your business. However, if a fire does occur, you can reach out to American Restoration Water and Fire. Our experienced professionals specialize in fire prevention and restoration services. Contact American Restoration today to learn more!