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How Long Does Water Damage Restoration Take?

How Long Does Water Damage Restoration Take?

Water damage in your home is frustrating for anyone to experience and results from occurrences like a burst pipe, a leaking roof, a backed-up drain, or even a natural disaster. These incidents can wreak havoc on your residential or commercial property and require...
The Dangers of Corroded Pipes

The Dangers of Corroded Pipes

Corroded pipes not only pose a safety concern to building occupants, but can also contribute to lost business, lost property, and building damage. It is crucial to understand the importance of proper pipe maintenance to avoid further issues incurred by flood damage...
Water Damage Associated with Toilet Overflow

Water Damage Associated with Toilet Overflow

Toilet overflow can be quite common. Unfortunately, if the issue is not resolved quickly enough, it can result in water damage to your home. Did you know that one of the top five causes of home water damage is a toilet overflow? Whether there is an issue with your...

Check Your Drainage Systems on Roof Before Monsoons

If you’ve been in New Mexico for any amount of time, the folks at American Restoration Water & Fire know that you’ve noticed the drainage devices or “drain spouts” on the sides of buildings and homes! These are called canales (can-AL-eez)....
Protecting Your Roof from Flooding Your Home

Protecting Your Roof from Flooding Your Home

Living in the great state of New Mexico, we enjoy ample sunshine, moderate precipitation, and low humidity. These ideal climate conditions can lure people into a false sense of security, particularly on essential items like the roof over our heads. As the saying goes,...