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Thanksgiving is just a few weeks away and with the COVID-19 pandemic, that means that more families will be staying home and making the well-known turkey meal for their household. Like all things, there is no place like home and home-cooked is the best type of food. Unfortunately, home is also where more fire and smoke calls are made to 911 during the holiday season. American Restoration Water & Fire would like to take a moment and remind you of these safety tips that will allow your Thanksgiving dinner to go off, without setting any alarms off!

There are so many delicious sides to be had with your turkey on Thanksgiving, that it can be hard to balance them out, getting them all done at the right time. You should never leave anything unattended that is on the stove when the heat is being applied to it.

  • First, make sure your home’s smoke alarms are working— you can do this by pushing the button once on the outside of your alarm to test. Replace batteries if needed.
  • Grease can easily jump out of the pan and if it’s not being watched, you soon could have a grease fire.
  • While your turkey is in the oven, stay in the home, and check it frequently.
  • Make sure your stovetop is clear of any cloths, oven mitts, food packaging, and wooden utensils that could easily catch fire.
  • Remember to keep children and pets out of the kitchen when you are cooking, and that the kitchen floor remains clear of any toys or anything that should not be there.
  • Never deep-fry a frozen turkey!! If you place a frozen turkey in high-temperature grease, it will explode, causing damage to you and your home.

According to the National Fire Protection Association, Thanksgiving is the #1 day a year to account for more than 50% of home fires and was the second leading cause of home fire deaths between 2014-2018. American Restoration wants you to enjoy the holidays, and if something should happen, we are here to help! American Restoration Water & Fire will walk through every step of the restoration process with you, and before you know it, your home will be back to the way it was before disaster struck. Safe cooking and Happy Thanksgiving!