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Now that Balloon Fiesta is over, New Mexico is starting to cool down. For many, that means turning on the fireplace and staying in with family more. But so many of those winter traditions that make this season so cozy and comforting, actually put your home at a higher risk for fire. In fact, every winter, at American Restoration Water & Fire, we see a marked increase in the number of calls we get for fire damage restoration. This leads to the question: Why are there more house fires during winter months? Here’s the answer:

When it’s bitterly cold outside, most of us retreat to the warmth of our homes. Instead of going out to hike or bike or swim, we have our families over to enjoy conversation and a home-cooked meal. With the holidays right around the corner, many of us are no doubt already planning family dinners and looking forward to that quality time. Unfortunately, that extra time spent in the kitchen is putting us at a heightened risk for a house fire. In fact, between 2010 and 2014, cooking equipment was involved in 46% of home fires! So, what can be done? When preparing your favorite holiday meal, keep a watchful eye on the food that’s cooking. Never leave cooking food unattended.

Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukah, or something else, most winter holidays involve some degree of decoration. As you deck the halls, American Restoration would like to remind you to keep safety top of mind. Be selective about the tree you choose, and keep it well watered – dry and brittle trees are more prone to fire. Make sure your lights are in good shape before you hang them up – cracked lights can cause electric shock and fire. Also, if your decoration involves any candles, do not leave the room without blowing them out.

Staying safety conscious will allow you to enjoy this winter’s festivities without the devastation of fire damage. American Restoration wishes you all a safe and happy holiday season! And of course, we are always here for you, 24/7, even during the holidays!