One of the beautiful ways New Mexico culture has inspired home builders all over our state in their designs of modern homes is their use of flat roofs, particularly the adobe style. American Restoration Water & Fire often gets calls from homeowners who have recently discovered a leak from their flat roof where water has sat for too long. You can read about how to properly care for your flat roof by checking out our previous blog about proper flat roof maintenance tips. One of the brilliant techniques that homebuilders have learned from our ancestors and their adobe homes is their use of canales: drainage that, when properly maintained, should drain the majority of water from your roof after rain and even snow.
But, how do you maintain them?
Yearly inspections of your canales should be added to your list of things to do either semi-annually or even once a year. Our technicians at American Restoration recommend that you check these protruding roof spouts when you get on your flat roof to do your inspections, most commonly after severe weather has left. You can check these by making sure they are clear of debris that could block proper drainage. You should also check for cracks, dents, and erosion of the wood and metal.
American Restoration Water & Fire highly recommends that you take your flat roof care seriously. Flat roofs are notorious for leaks in your ceiling that could have been prevented. If you suspect that your roof has water damage, call your local roofing company and then give us a call to assess the water damage in your home. Your friends at American Restoration are just a phone call away.