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The Hidden Danger of Smoke and Soot

The Hidden Danger of Smoke and Soot

Within seconds, a small flame can become an uncontrollable inferno. At American Restoration Water & Fire, we have seen the devastating effects that a house fire can have on people’s lives. That is why we are committed to helping you put your home back together....
Local Professionals Protect Your Health and Safety

Local Professionals Protect Your Health and Safety

American Restoration Water & Fire is a locally owned and operated company that provides a full complement of professional restoration services including asbestos cleanup. According to the World Health Organization, between the years 1970 and 2002, there were...
How to Prepare Your Home for Heavy Rain

How to Prepare Your Home for Heavy Rain

In New Mexico, we highly value rain due to our dry desert climate. At American Restoration Water & Fire, we know rain is typically a good thing in our environment, but we understand that too much rain can quickly become dangerous. When puddles build up and the...
Business Disaster Preparedness

Business Disaster Preparedness

Disasters: Are you in denial? Unfortunately, natural and man-made disasters strike every day. Our staff attended a meeting of the Albuquerque Office of Emergency Management and found some useful safety information that we would like to pass along to you and your...