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Why Ice Dams Can Be a Hazard to Your Roof

Why Ice Dams Can Be a Hazard to Your Roof

Winter is here, and with it is icy cold weather. This means homeowners should be aware of the dangers associated with this type of weather. Ice dams are common this time of year and can pose issues for your roof. Ice dams occur when ice builds up on the edge of your...
How to Prevent Frozen Water Pipes This Winter

How to Prevent Frozen Water Pipes This Winter

We understand that cold weather means potential damage to your home. Our goal is to help educate homeowners on the importance of avoiding the high costs that come with flood restoration services due to the cold weather we experience during the Winter months. A small...
Water Damage Associated with Toilet Overflow

Water Damage Associated with Toilet Overflow

Toilet overflow can be quite common. Unfortunately, if the issue is not resolved quickly enough, it can result in water damage to your home. Did you know that one of the top five causes of home water damage is a toilet overflow? Whether there is an issue with your...
Prevent Flooding with Swamp Cooler Maintenance This Summer

Prevent Flooding with Swamp Cooler Maintenance This Summer

Most of us in New Mexico have owned or currently own a home with a swamp cooler. American Restoration Water and Fire understands that your swamp cooler does a great job keeping you comfortable in the summertime, but that beast can also wreak havoc if its components...
Minimize Flood Damage with Water Sensor Alarms

Minimize Flood Damage with Water Sensor Alarms

The team at American Restoration Water & Fire understand the devastation that can be caused by even a small water leak. Major residential water leaks can spread thousands of gallons of water and cause over $25,000 in damage in just a matter of a few hours. One of...