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Tips for Home Floods Before the Flood

Tips for Home Floods Before the Flood

As the weather changes, and cool temps and rain begin to move into New Mexico once again, it’s important to protect your most precious possession—your home. American Restoration Water & Fire recommends some common checks you can do to reduce the risk of expensive...
Hazards of Water Runoff

Hazards of Water Runoff

An El Niño year means more precipitation for New Mexico. Did you know that one inch of rain on a 1,500-square-foot roof generates 9,351 gallons of runoff? That’s a lot of water, and it could potentially damage your home. The experts at American Restoration Water and...
Flood Cleanup in Algodones, New Mexico

Flood Cleanup in Algodones, New Mexico

On Wednesday, July 23rd, 2016, Algodones, New Mexico was hit with heavy rains, damaging winds, and flash flooding. Over an inch an hour. Torrential local rain and heavy rains to the north caused the water to move into irrigation ditches, and the flooding began. We...
New Mexico Flooding

New Mexico Flooding

In July of 2014, New Mexico residents got some much needed rain! Many of us, however, were unprepared for the record rainfall that covered the State and the Albuquerque Metro area. In some parts of Albuquerque, up to 2.75” of rain fell in a short amount of time. East...
El Niño

El Niño

You’ve probably hear of El Niño—but what is it? El Niño refers to a series of irregular weather patterns along the earth’s equator, primarily affecting Pacific weather patterns, caused by a significant change in water temperature. For New Mexico, this...