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Is Your Swamp Cooler Ruining Your Roof & Siding?

Is Your Swamp Cooler Ruining Your Roof & Siding?

IS YOUR SWAMP COOLER RUINING YOUR ROOF & SIDING? Does your home feature a mounted swamp cooler, also known as an evaporative cooler? American Restoration Water & Fire would like to inform homeowners using a mounted swamp cooler on their roofs to be on the...
Swamp Cooler Leaks

Swamp Cooler Leaks

One of the benefits of living in a dry climate is that we can utilize evaporative cooling also known as a swamp cooler. Like any appliance, there can be things that break, leak, or need to be replaced and if you have a swamp cooler you know that it can happen more...
Swamp Cooler Maintenance

Swamp Cooler Maintenance

It’s swamp cooler season and that can mean trouble! Those of us who use swamp coolers to cool or homes and businesses know the issues surrounding swamp cooler season. Anytime you combine water with your roof, pending disaster looms. American Restoration Water &...